Why Visit
the Rittman United Methodist Church?
The Rittman United Methodist Church is a congregation with a rich tradition of loving God and loving our neighbor through our words and actions.
Jesus teaches a way of life and invites all of us into a relationship with God that is vibrant, dynamic and fruitful.
He said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit and become my disciples.” (John 15:5, 8) Jesus wants us to flourish. We do that best in community with one another.
Our Sunday mornings include several Sunday School classes; and a blended worship service centered on Christ, which is a blending of traditional and contemporary worship styles.
Our 9:00 a.m. Sunday School classes are available to everyone, providing an opportunity for all ages to learn the basics as well as to “go deep” into the Word of God. Be prepared for smiles and laughs: this is a time of friendship and fellowship, too.
The 10:00 a.m. worship service is a unique blend of contemporary and traditional music. There is a wonderful praise band, 2:11 North, most Sundays; and our choir shares two Sunday a month from September through May. There is a mixture of praise songs and hymns each week. The message is Bible-based and Spirit-filled, supplemented with a few pictures to help make the message relevant to life today.
We lift up Prayers of the People – our joys and concerns to God.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month . The Lord’s Table is open to everyone who wishes to come forward, whether a member of this or any church. None of us is truly worthy, but the Lord invites us all to remember in this special way the sacrifice made for us and our salvation.
Child care is provided throughout the morning.
But there’s more to the Rittman United Methodist Church than just Sunday mornings. Church isn’t just a place to come to, it is what we do in the world as we help meet the needs of people longing to connect to God through Jesus Christ.
We have weekly Bible Study groups that meet to study the Word of God. Many times we use Book/DVD Studies of current church leaders. Everyone is welcome to join these groups, whether you attend on Sunday mornings or not!
You are invited to help us with our Food Pantry ministry to feed the hungry right here in Rittman. We serve a light meal and provide groceries on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
We provide after-school programs once a week for both elementary and Middle School/High School students during the school year, which are similar to a VBS format. The CONNECT and TeenCONNECT program are led by volunteers of the church and community. The kids love spending time together as they build relationships with each other and with the adults, who are sharing God’s love with them.
We have some great opportunities to connect with one another. Come and check out some of these activities and small groups; there’s a place for you here at the Rittman United Methodist Church.
Come and see…